Prologue - This is Tomorrow

Prologue - This is Tomorrow

Part 2 "King's Trail"

Sonetto: Regulus's ship's been sunk.
Sonetto: Landed ... Good. They landed safely.
Sonetto: Gosh! Those rioters are still after them! At this rate ...
Sonetto: My apologies, Timekeeper.

Sonetto: Are you feeling better?

Sonetto: Battersea Park. Chelsea is across the river.
Sonetto: I sent the backup request without authorization, and you were teleported here ...
Sonetto: It was rushed. The ritual wasn't ready, and you fell into a coma.

Sonetto: Please allow me to report and request backup.
Vertin: Go ahead.
Sonetto: Two days ago, we met heavy resistance on our mission to register Regulus. She's even captured two of our investigators.
Sonetto: Unfortunately, she's now being pursued by Manus Vindictae.
Sonetto: Timekeeper, I formally request your aid. We must rescue the investigators, complete the registration of Regulus, and return to the research center before the arrival of the "Storm."

Vertin: You know I'm not like you, Sonetto. You've trained your whole life to battle with arcanum. I ... took a different path ...
Sonetto: I know. You don't have to fight, Miss Vertin.
Sonetto: I just need you by my side. To guide me.
Sonetto: I've never known a person more perceptive in the arts of arcanum than you. And ...
Sonetto: According to the Field Mission Evacuation Instructions, we can request your aid within 24 hours of the "Storm."
Sonetto: Right, Timekeeper?
Vertin: You are a careful reader.
Vertin: I'll help you out. Don't worry.
Vertin: Fifty minutes left. Come on, let's move.
Sonetto: Please, use this. It'll send us directly to our destination.
Vertin: And this is ...?
Sonetto: A portable floppy disk containing the arcane skill "Teleport." I used one just now to bring you here.
Sonetto: Ahem ... They're still under experimentation, so they're not entirely stable. Madam Z only gave me three.
Sonetto: But if everything goes well, they'll save us a lot of time.
Sonetto: Envision the destination, speak its name, and the "Teleport" ritual will begin.

"Teleport": Yes, that's right. Everyone is waiting to serve you.
"Teleport": Ms. Vertin ...

Female Investigator: There are too many of them! I can't hold on much longer! What's your status?
Male Investigator: The way back is blocked! I-I'm still trying to break through!
Female Investigator: Can we get back ... before the "Storm" ...?
The Manus Disciple: roars
Regulus: Oh, sugar! Sugar!
Regulus: All the money I saved ... My beloved APPLe ... And ...
Regulus: The tape drive I bought just yesterday ... All sunk to the bottom of the ocean!
Regulus: Don't be so smug! If I hadn't been protecting the records, I would've beaten the lot of you to a pulp!
The Manus Disciple: Give ... stone ...
Regulus: Ah!! What are you doing you bastard!
Regulus: My records! Pete Townshend! The John "Thunderfingers" live show!!!
Regulus: I'm gonna kill you!!
APPLe: Captain, behind you!
The Manus Disciple: roars
Vertin: Found them.
Vertin: Enemy ahead. Now!
Sonetto: Ascoltare. Capire. Pregare. Perdonare.
Sonetto: Ed è subito sera!
As the light shines, the enemies disappear in the blink of an eye.
Regulus: Huh? Who's there?
Female Investigator: That incantation ... could it be ...?
Male Investigator: It's the Chief Investigator! Yes! The Chief's here!
The light of "Teleport" fades away. Two figures show up on the shore.
Male Investigator: Chief! You arrived just in time! How did you know!?
Sonetto: I didn't. It's all thanks to the Timekeeper ...
Sonetto: Predicting the enemy's movement mid-teleportation ... you're even more perceptive than I thought!
Female Investigator: You're ... the Timekeeper?
Female Investigator: Hm. So the "Storm" is coming soon.
Vertin: Indeed. We have 45 minutes.
Vertin: I'll do my best to help before the "Storm" arrives.
Vertin: Now everyone, get ready to break through!
Vertin: Regulus, you're doing this too.
Regulus: Huh?
Regulus: sighs ... Fine. But only because you saved me. Then we're even!
She carefully hides her records behind a stone, joining the team unwillingly.
Vertin: Sonetto, your assistance please.

Sonetto: The enemies are attacking. We're counting on you, Timekeeper.
Sonetto: Timekeeper, allow me to go through the basic principles anddeployment method of arcanum battle again!
Sonetto: It shows the incantations that have been generated here.
Sonetto: Tap to select an incantation and summon its ritual.
Sonetto: Tap and hold an incantation to check details of this arcane skill
Sonetto: Tap again to select an incantation.
Sonetto: It shows our AP here. Choosing an incantation consumes I AP. When you're done choosing, the rituals shall begin.
Sonetto: Timekeeper, this is our chance.
Sonetto: We're prepared for the change.
Sonetto: Look, it shows the star levels of the incantations here.
When two identical incantations of the same star level meet each other, they will be merged into one of a higher star level.
Sonetto: Tap on a proper incantation to link the neighboring ones and improve its power.
Sonetto: We can now summon the ritual, Timekeeper.
Sonetto: We did it ...! We broke out of the enemy's encirclement ...
Sonetto: Thank you for your decisiveness, Timekeeper.