Sonetto: We've got some distance from them for now ...
Female Investigator: Chief, are there any "Teleport" floppy disks left? We need to go now!
Sonetto: This is the last one. Let's take Regulus back.
Regulus: Umm? Where are we going?
Sonetto: Somewhere safe. We won't hurt you.
Sonetto: We are investigators from the St. Pavlov Foundation. As far as we are aware, you have not registered for the arcanum license.
Sonetto: Unauthorized use of arcanum is a violation of the Public Security Law. You are required to cooperate with our investigation and registration process.
Sonetto: Just come back with us to the research center and—
Sonetto looks at the sky, where thunder is bursting constantly.
Sonetto: We need to move quickly.
Regulus: Huh? Are you ... recruiting me?
Regulus: Fine! Fine! I'll go with you. But, could you show me the floppy disk first?
Sonetto: Sure. Go ahead.
Regulus: Wow ... so incantations can really be recorded and read!
Regulus: A floppy disk that stores advanced arcane skills. Awesome! If only I could take a look inside ...
Regulus: Hmm ... so this is where you start the ritual ... looks like a signature will work ...
Sonetto: That's right. I heard you were a fan of technolo- ...
Female Investigator: Everyone—get down!
Sonetto: Ambush!
Vertin: cough ... Is anyone hurt?
The Manus Believer: roars Give me ...!
Vertin: Careful! There's another gang of rioters! They're blocking the way ahead!
Sonetto: Manus Vindictae has been silent for some time ... Why are there so many of them now?
Vertin: We need to take them down first. Sonetto, your assistance, please!
Sonetto: Timekeeper, we need to go one step further. Observe, meditate, and create stronger incantations.
Move the incantation to merge 2 into 1. Incantations can be leveled up to 3-star at most.
Sonetto: I'll leave the rest to you, Timekeeper.
Sonetto: Well done! I knew it ... You are gifted as a commander!
Sonetto: Our AP is invaluable. Moving incantations will cost AP as well.
Sonetto: You must play the cards right based on the situation. You've been pretty good at that.
Sonetto: We're now fully prepared to face the enemy.
Sonetto: That was close. We finally got rid of them.
Sonetto: Let's get a move on. Time is of the essence.
Sonetto: Please hand me the floppy disk, Regulus. I'll start the ritual ...
Sonetto: Hm? Regulus ... Where is she?
Male Investigator: It appears she triggered the ritual and disappeared in the chaos.
Sonetto: ...
A beam of dim light flashes behind the rock in the distance.
Vertin: She must've been in a rush, leaving all that behind.
Male Investigator: We'll have to make our way back on foot ... Chief, we need to give up the Regulus mission.
Female Investigator: The longer we stay here, the more likely we are to be caught in the "Storm." As I'm sure you know, Chief, if that happens ...
Female Investigator: ... you'll be disqualified as an investigator.
Sonetto: Let's split up.
Sonetto: You return to the Foundation and make the report. As Chief Investigator, I will stay until the last moment.
Vertin: What are you going to do after Regulus's registration? The "Storm" is about to come.
Sonetto: "Express gratitude, salute, and see them off. Never disturb the lives of the registrants."
Vertin: You haven't seen the "Storm" yet, have you?
Sonetto: I-I am not qualified. Thus far, you are the only one who can move freely during the "Storm."
Vertin: ...
Vertin: Have you found out where Regulus usually spends her time? Or anyone who knows her?
Male Investigator: Yes. She often turns up in the West End, hanging around Carnaby Street and King's Road.
Male Investigator: She used to buy records at the store on Kingly Court. She may've returned there.
Female Investigator: Oh, and be careful! She can control light with her arcane skills.
Vertin: I see. Let's go, Sonetto.
Sonetto: Are you coming with me? I thought you would leave after we defeated those Manus Vindictae ... Ahh, thank you!
Vertin: It's nothing. I have my own mission ...
Vertin: ... also in Kingly Court.