Regulus: Ouch! It hurts ... really hurts ...
Regulus jumps back and falls heavily to the ground. She seems to be hurt badly.
Sonetto: Huh?!
Sonetto: I'm not finished yet. Stand up and continue the fight!
Regulus: Arm's broken! Oh! Bugger!
Vertin: Her face has gone pale ... Let me check her out.
Vertin squats next to Regulus and blocks Sonetto's eyesight.
Regulus: Wh-what are you doing?
Vertin: It's a Misty Bubble Ball. You know how to use it, right?
Regulus: Huh ...?
Vertin: I need your help. So until you can give it to me, I'll help you out.
Vertin: Meet me at the bookstore on Oxford Street.
Vertin: Now, push me.
Shocked for half a second, Regulus pushes Vertin away with great strength.
Sonetto: Huh! Timekeeper ...!
Vertin: coughs ... Protect your eyes ...
Sonetto: I was careless. But ... we should be fine.
Sonetto: The effects of the Misty Bubble Ball only last so long. She can't have gotten far.
Vertin: Sonetto ... are you really going to continue the mission?
Vertin: The "Storm" will arrive shortly.
Vertin: If you don't go back now, it'll be too late.
Sonetto: At least ... let me search these stores again.
It's the same determined face. She put it on before every exam.
Sonetto strides over the rising puddles on the ground and runs into the department store.
Where to go now?
The bookstore on Oxford Street? No, of course not.
The bookstore in Oxford Street? No, of course not.
But to the place which she never agreed to meet at.
Regulus: Whoa! You scared me! Didn't we say the bookstore ...?
Vertin: Exactly. Isn't this the bookstore?
Vertin: Misty Bubble Balls have an easily traceable scent. Sonetto will be here any minute.
Regulus: So ... So what do you want from me?! I-I don't want any part of this!
Vertin: Relax. I'm not going to take you to the Foundation. I simply ask that you go somewhere safe with me.
Vertin: Regulus, I need you to brave the "Storm" with me.
Regulus: Brave the "Storm"?
Vertin: Shh! She's here.
Fluctuation of arcane skills comes from outside. Vertin takes a mustache from the table and sticks it to Regulus's face immediately.
Sonetto: Timekeeper! Any progress ... on your end?
Vertin: I'm sorry ...
Sonetto: You're shaking your head ... That means ...
Sonetto: The mission ... We've ... failed ...?
The thunder has brought her back to reality. She looks down at her leather boots which are already soaked by the "rain."
A thunder brings Regulus back to her senses. She looks at her leather boots. They are already soaked by the "raindrops."
Pink raindrops, yellow raindrops, and blue raindrops are spreading like paints in water.
The edges of the buildings begin to melt. So bizarre, like the patterns in comic books.
Sonetto: Ti-Timekeeper ...
Her face is pale.
Sonetto: When will the "Storm" begin?
Vertin: In ten minutes.
The collage of Richard Hamilton falls from the sky, splashing rain all over her.
But she just nods in a hasty manner, her eyes seemingly frozen.
Sonetto: I should go. I have to go back.
Sonetto: ... Thank you very much for your support, Timekeeper.
Sonetto turns around and runs the way back.
Regulus: The rain ... is it rising from the ground?
No more escaping. Regulus stands at the door, totally frozen with shock.
She reaches out for the raindrops and watches them flying towards the sky through her fingers, feeling confused.
Regulus: Why is everyone acting as if nothing's happening? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?
Regulus: This is really, really weird.
Vertin: You can see it too, which proves you're the one I'm looking for.
She draws back in haste until falling down in a puddle behind her.
Regulus: Looking for me? No. No way ...
Regulus: Are these hallucinations? Did you use a potion on me?!
Regulus: Why? I don't even have that "little thing" anymore!
Vertin: Enough! Stop running!
Vertin: The "Storm" is here.
At the last moment, Vertin finally manages to open the suitcase and push Regulus inside.
Vertin: Look at the world through your own eyes!
What ...
I'm not like them.
I am here to protect you.